Title: Invasion
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/oggi.zip
Size: 69.47 KB
Date: 02/16/99
Author: Oliver Nowak
Description: A horde of monsters has infested the moonbase... ... however - fight back ! There is only one difficulty level but I think it's not too hard to get through this one. Don't be afraid of running out of ammo - there are at least enough shotgun shells to blast the whole scum back into hell. A good time is about 30 minutes. 333 monsters wait for the hot lead of your shotgun. Kill `em all !!! Mail me, if you like this wad (or not).
Credits: Chris + Alex for the ideas and the hours and hours of testing.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1 + 5.2 (great stuff)
Bugs: none
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is dated July 1995, and it's E2M4. You fight 342 baddies - not 333, as per the readme - in a simple, E1/E2-esque techbase. Starts off mazey but opens out. The design is never very advanced, with few details and wonky textures, but there's a lot of action and like a lot of these early levels it gets better as it goes along. You get enough ammo to exterminate the population of New York, and enough health to heal all the people back again.x
Bad: Some texture weirdness (misalignments, yellow-trimmed switch not needing a yellow key); Armor aside, supplies seem excessive; Pretty linear. Good: Some well-thought-out, moody area designs; Ambushes keep you tense. Overall: Deserves the "average" rating I'm giving it. 3/5 -VVx

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