Title: PhobosDeimos Anomaly
Filename: levels/doom/p-r/pd1-anom.zip
Size: 526.83 KB
Date: 09/06/15
Author: Phobosdeimos1 Compiled by Xaser
Description: A collection of twelve classic-style maps by Phobosdeimos1, originally designed for "Doom the Way Id Did."

These maps, while perhaps not "id-like" in the strictest sense, are wildly creative and fun to boot. A must-play for those with a classic Doom itch to scratch.

Xaser says: In light of Phobosdeimos1's passing in 2012, I thought it fitting to release one of his final gifts to the community as a standalone pack. He showed great enthusiasm for the project and was one of the most prolific mappers, with possibly more submissions than anyone else. While I'm an ill-fitting messenger to pass on his legacy, these maps absolutely deserve a release. R.I.P, good sir, until next life.
Credits: Hellbent and the DTWID team, for organizing the project that led to these maps's inception.

Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri, who co-authored E2M6.

Mr. Freeze, for music.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Unknown
Editor(s) used: Unknown
Bugs: There are a few tutti frutti effects and other visual artifacts in some maps, but I (Xaser) have opted not to modify the maps in any way -- it wouldn't be right. They're still 100% playable in vanilla Doom, however, which is the important part.
Rating: (14 votes)
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Very nice. I like it in a way of gameplay, and not really in a way of anything else. The texture can be very bad at some parts. I've only played the first three levels so far, but it's very promising. It does give me the old-school ID feel, though. I like it. 4 Stars.x
old school.x
Pretty average map set. Difficulty is easy even when you increase monster speed or damage. Visuals quality is more on the side of worse Doom 2 maps. Good layout, but boring in overall.x
Not a good one. But not bad, either. Simple layouts and designs remind me the wad from mid-late 90's. But if the author's intention was to submit these levels to DTWID project, it's a downvote for me.x
Getsu Fune
I too didn't think it was that good, mostly due to the haphazardness of thing placement. very reminiscent of 90's maps, though.x
Being an ol'-school fan, I was totally disappointed. These maps have simple and about random layout, infinitely repeating scenes, completely unmatching textures making it look very ugly, random monster & ammo placement, and gameplay completely missing leitmotivs. This all resulted in a set of levels which look uninteresting, having gameplay not giving any fun. Sorry, but that's what it is. And no, thankfully this is not even remotely DooM the way ID intended... Overall: below amateurish. /nofi, obviouslyx

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