Title: ...and death came along
Filename: levels/doom/p-r/pdsp15.zip
Size: 328.71 KB
Date: 01/25/02
Author: Pablo Dictter
Description: My 15th UDoom map. Intro map for "...and hell came through" a base level. You know how they look. I wasted a lot of time working on this fucker, so I hope is not a boring one. = ) There are 2 ways to get to the end (kind of), you don't really have to go through the whole map to finish it....fucker.

This wad is best played on Ultra Violence.
Credits: Tobias Münch for comments, ideas and help on making the secrets more easy to find. Thanks Dude! Broken Angel for the great song. Man, the song rocks big time!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor v1.3, Wintex v4.3, Zennode v1.0.8
Bugs: V Fucking's O's (VPO's)
Rating: (7 votes)
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Lightning Hunter
Quite a detailed map for its time. There was too much ammo near the end, but there was just enough of a challenge for it to be entertaining. The map might have gotten 5 stars had it been a little more open. A little bit of claustrophobia is ok from time to time, but there were no open areas in this map at all. Overall, it is still a very enjoyable experience.x
nice--a little repetitive or too neat and compartmentalized in theme and layout design, but overall great gameplay and nice looking map.x
This is a good-looking, good-playing, good-smelling retro-style level from 2002. It has simple LEGO-style detail, and non-stop action. Slightly overwhelming non-linear design, which involves a lot of wandering. Feels like two levels joined together (there are two blue keys, two rocket launchers, two plasma guns). The end battle doesn't work; the monsters teleport into the room you have just left, by which time you've probably hit the exit switch.x
Lots of detail but it's mostly trash. WAY too crowded, and abysmal flow. Everything is tight and filled with the same details, and there aren't any breathers from fighting. *** -sargebaldyx
a masterpiece.x

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