Title: reunion 01
Filename: levels/doom/p-r/reunion1.zip
Size: 59.01 KB
Date: 05/16/99
Author: Ed Cripps (Violent Ed)
Description: The UAC had sent 5 teams to see if anything on the old Phobos bases could be salvaged. There was still top secret projects untouched by the demons deep within the base. 4 of the 5 teams sent there had reported good results, one diddnt report back at all. They were sent to the east wing of the Toxin Refinery to poke around and see if there was any sign of hells forces still about. They just dissapeared. The phone rings at 6:am, nobody calls this early unless....shit! You finally pick up after 25 or so rings, it must have been important. Once you heard the generals voice you diddnt even let him finish and just grabbed a side arm and headed to base to board a transfer ship to the south east wing of the toxin refinery and see what happened to team #5 and report back to UAC. This is just an intorduction to a series of levels that will not require a new port, just good ol' fashioned raw doom. Happy hunting...
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The author does a reasonable job at recreating an E1 style level however the gameplay is simply to boring for me to give it anything more than a 2.x

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