Title: RIVER33.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/p-r/river33.zip
Size: 100.37 KB
Date: 10/09/95
Author: Greytale
Description: RIVER33.wad is extremely large, and a VERY difficult map to complete, even on God mode. The map requires a "search-every-nook-and-cranny" attitude, and will take alot of time to finish. There are alternate ways of finishing the map, but ultimately the user's best bet is to get ahold of all the keys.

Upon finding the exit, the user may realize that the switch is a 2-sided linedef with a false texture, viewable from only ONE side--a feat that I'VE never seen on any other DOOM patch-wads. Not really a big deal, but it was kind of a fun idea.

RIVER33.wad is about 260K; larger than the editor I used itself (DEU 5.21).

Don't get lost. :)
Credits: Thanks to roach@hairball for his play-testing. Thanks to natx@hairball for his play-testing.
Base: Completely from scratch
Build time: 30-40 hours (really). I just can't let myself creation of map put a crappy patch wad on the net, so I spend the time to make it spectacular. (Yes, I still work 8-5!)
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 and BSP 1.1 (binary space partitioner) (Special thanks to the creators of both programs; Raphael Quinet and Colin Reed)
Rating: (5 votes)
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cool mapx
An amazingly complex, twisted map, better than anything in DARKHELL. The monster density is low, so the emphasis is on exploration and puzzle solving. The texturing is still odd, but that's probably just Greytale's signature style. This is one of those maps that make you wish it would go on forever and regret finding the exit.x
I couldn't find the exit.. But I enjoyed this. Weird but cool texturing. Worth playing. 4/5x
This is a large but sparsely-populated map. The design and textures look so random that they must be intentional; the whole level like an explosion in a LEGO factory. The layout is intricate and confusing, but enjoyably so, a bit like The Sky May Be. There's a lot of undery-overy stuff, and the designer may well have been on acid. It's not really much fun to play, although it's interesting to wander around in.x
The visual theme is deranged and the design may be confusing, but this map is pretty interesting.x

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