Title: Do DOOM Marines Dream of Electric Imps?
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/sandman.zip
Size: 25.72 KB
Date: 03/06/96
Author: Robert Macnaughton
Description: The story so far.. Phobos.Deimos.Hell.Hell On Earth. You've been there,done that,killed those. You are one tough marine,but c'mon,you need a break.So you go home to your parents house,where you kick back,eat lots of snack foods,play Yahtzee. Very relaxing. So much so,in fact,that you fall asleep on their sectional,drool trickling from the corner of your mouth. The last thing you are aware of before unconsciousness is watching some video on MTV. "Bunch of freaking longhaired weirdos," you mumble to yourself,"those goons would last about a half a second on the Martian moons..." And then you conk out. And dream. This.
Credits: Dustin and Spencer Siegfried for play-
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: All the stuff that came with the WADED v1.83 "Tricks of the Doom Gurus" book. WinDEU32 v5.23 WARM v1.5(excellent nodes/reject map builder) DMMusic v1.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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I liked it (3/5)x
A succinct review. It's a crude early level with about forty baddies and a silly confrontation with a spiderdemon. It's hard to hate it, because there is at least an attempt at making it non-linear, but it's very simple and 1996 is too late in the Doom level design timeline to give the author allowances for it being an old-fashioned level.x

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