Title: SCION
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/scion.zip
Size: 621.05 KB
Date: 06/24/96
Author: Chris Moller
Description: This is 9 levels of action that can be played as either individual or deathmatch play. I have tried to come up with unique themes for each level, and in some cases I think I have succeeded. Playing at difficulty setting of 3 only gives you the pistol until the last level (but plenty of ammo).

Credits: Someones get original graphic file (author?)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, DEUGCC 5.21, RMB 2.0, IDBSP 1.0
Bugs: NONE
Rating: (4 votes)
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Tedious mazy levels with neither flow or personality. The new textures and sky look neat but don't help much with the poor gameplay. Most of the (invariably rectangular) areas seem to be there just to fill the map space. Everything looks the same, there is no sense of progression or accomplishment. The ultimate collect-the-keys-and -exit drudgery.x
This has charm in its own way. Reminds me a bit of the old Wolfenstein. 1 Star. --- Starburst.x

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