Filename: levels/doom/s-u/shopball.zip
Size: 118.52 KB
Date: 05/31/05
Author: unknown
Description: Have you ever seen pink demons playing basketball?
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (5 votes)
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Indeed quite poor in terms of techniques used, visuals and gameplay, even for a 1994 wad. The average 1994 map is way better than this one, so 1/5x
This is pretty bad, even for a 1994 WAD. The texture combinations are completely random, confusing floor lifts, some doors and lifts have unpegged traks. It's pretty dull and boring.x
walter confalonieri
not bad for a 1994 map, although two flaws in e1m2 (the METAL1 door texturing in e1m2 in the basketball court, i had run trough the damn area to find a way to get out from there!) and some weirdness and naives of every 1994 maps... but it's kinda of cool, imox
Well, actually IT IS a 1994 wad , so there :-px
Actually I *have* seen pink demons playing basketball. These two levels aren't very good; they are the kind of thing you think of when you think of 1994-era maps. The textures are random (teleport pads as floors, ceilings as teleport pads, lifts as walls etc), and the gameplay is uninteresting. You can skip about a third of level one, and I got stuck in the basketball court on level two (having dodged past a trigger line). Ends poorly, with a "cybderdemon fight".x

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