Title: Die, bastards!
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/skulls.zip
Size: 61.12 KB
Date: 12/14/94
Author: Lassi Ahola-Huhta
Description: Just kill'em all and get the hell out of there! ...look for the exit carefully, it's there somewhere, not hidden or something. Keys also not behind hidden doors like some a**holes tend to do.
Credits: All guys at ID, Rafael Quinet & B J Wyber for making DEU. Also thanks to my friend Markku "the Lizard", who suggested some improvements for this level - and I even made some of them!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21
Bugs: I hope there isn't any - I didn't find one.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Pretty bad, but still a lot better than wads in the worst-ever class. The look is is dull and in some places ugly, and the gameplay is also dull. Not really worth having, unless you're someone like me who keeps every junk wad they come across.x

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