Title: Sillouhettes of Phobos
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/sophobos.zip
Size: 263.52 KB
Date: 07/22/96
Author: Michael Lundy
Description: 3 levels, plus 1 ULTIMATE DOOM bonus level.
Credits: Oliver Montanuy for DeuTex 3.6
Zink the Dink for EnDOOMer 1.0.1
Build time: About a week to fix and put these levels together.
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit 4.0.11, DeuTex 3.6, EnDOOMer 1.0.1
Bugs: None. If there was, I'd fix it.
Rating: (11 votes)
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Getsu Fune
played it and I had a lot of fun.x
walter confalonieri
what an awesome maps! A forgotten gem...x
how did I miss these back when they were new? Really fun levels with a heavy exploration side.x
Nice maps, many areas are heavily influenced by doom.wad but you can find a lot of original design decisions too. For me it was too easy and thus a bit boring but it's obviously a good wad.x
An amazing pwad when you consider that these levels were made by a 13-year old in 1995. Seriously, they're almost ID-quality. He got everything about the style right, including the room connections (which a lot of E1 copycats forget). E1M3 is the highlight, and the bonus E4M1 is pretty fun as well. The wad's easy, though, but entertaining. 4.5/5x
Quite good, but not really phobos, especially with some bigger monsters and registered textures. But overall, still a good wad to play.x

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