Filename: levels/doom/s-u/spaced.zip
Size: 72.11 KB
Date: 05/30/05
Author: Whade Tweady
Description: Your Space Frigate is attacked and disabled and you are the only survivor of your crew (unless your playing coop). The bad guys are teleporting aboard whats left of your ship and your only chance is to grab your weapons and teleport down the nearest planet (which happens to also be infested with baddies).
Credits: Authors of Deu 5.21, Authors of BSP, GrandSlammr, and the other members of "The List" for Utilities updates and info.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Forever and a day
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 and BSP 1.1
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (7 votes)
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Sui Generis
Whilst this level is certainly above the standard for the period, I think it falls short of the best. The technical issues that kept causing crashes, were easily cured by resaving in a modern editor so I won't mark down for that. The map is a leisurely shotgun romp from a small spaceship to a mix of E1 and marble. The strengths of the level are the varied and interesting rooms which you battle through. No boxy rooms here. It's not quite as impressive as say, k9.wad imo but not being best is still good.x
P_LoadLineDefs: linedef 549 has two-sided flag set, but no second sidedefx
This is dated June 1994; this one starts off as a sci-fi spaceship wads but then turns into a decent amateur-level E1-style map. At least, as far as I can tell. The problem is that it consistently and randomly crashes GZDoom 1.1.6, at least on my machine. From what I saw it didn't really stand out although it looked slightly more coherent than most levels of the period.x
You could be a computer technician like me...we're always in demand and we make good money!x
Unbelievably great rooms and design. Nice job on this one!x
Best map ever great layout and rooms!x

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