Title: Something Awful
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/sthawful.zip
Size: 82.4 KB
Date: 02/27/16
Author: Bzzrak Ktazzz
Description: OK, so... The year is 2147, the year when the events od DooM 1 and 2 occur. While the Doomguy is single-handedly participating in an unequal battle against the hordes of Hell, another marine is caught in the middle of this mess. He is not the Doomguy, he is not the hero, he is just a man _ with his will _ to survi-ive. Caught in a computer section of UAC, he must get to the portal outside, where he might be saved. Please, disregard the rubbish I wrote on the last 10 lines and remember uncle Carmack's opinion about video game plots. ---------- When it comes to the map: you might be surprised because there is not a single medkit on the entire level. (not even in secret areas) There are 2 chainguns on the level: one comes with a noticeable health loss, the second one is hidden, however, having those makes the level too damn easy.
Credits: the guy who created the official tutorials for Doom Builder 2, as well as to Linguica.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A week or two.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, XWE, WinTex
Bugs: Tell me if you find any.
Rating: (5 votes)
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The same rectangular room copypasted everywhere. Uses some (copypasted) detail, which is a plus, but everything else is simply plain. Imagine Doom2 MAP31 with a bit more detail.x

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