Title: Sewer Control (release 3)
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/swrctl.zip
Size: 38.83 KB
Date: 03/03/14
Author: Martin Bazley
Description: It seems a bunch of demons has invaded the sewer control system, and have plans to flood the city with raw sewage! After a bit of straw-drawing, you have been sent in to get rid of them. Unfortunately, they could only find a pistol to arm you with. You think it'll be easy. You wish. --- Changes in release 2: Too many to count, with almost every room in the level being altered in some way and the addition of some completely new rooms. Areas which have been given significant revamps are the water channel, the switch maze and the technical corridor. Changes in release 3: Added a tag number to the teleporter instead of relying on the landing being the only one in the level! (This did seem to be working, but it was horrific practice.) Rebuilt nodes with BSP. Reformatted .TXT file. Changed filename to SWRCTL/WAD, to bypass the RISC OS 10-character filename limit.
Credits: Id Software (Doom) Eddie Edwards (RISC OS Doom) Justin Fletcher (Doom+, RISC OS BSP) Anthony J. Burden and Simon Oke (Deth) Lee Noar (RISC OS Deth) Colin Reed and Lee Killough (BSP) Big brother Chris (BSP front-end, web hosting)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About four months of work, but sat unfinished on my hard disc for years before I found a solution to a particularly stubborn bug.
Editor(s) used: Deth (version 3.92, port 1.00)
Bugs: None. Don't hesitate to email me if you find any!
Rating: (2 votes)
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Another of my brother's fairly abstract maps based around several doors leading off a start room. Reprises other themes such as unlinteled outdoor rooms and multiple independently-activa ted doors blocking the same corridor. Unfortunately I find this map too easy on UV, somewhat ugly and poorly implemented (e.g. misaligned textures, doortracks that should be unpegged, etc.) You might enjoy if you like obscure secrets.x
In terms of design, not very bad, but in terms of gameplay, not very good. The design was a little off the wall, and not much of it really made me feel intrigued, as it was a bit "stapled" together, but, it wasn't bad. I really did enjoy the segment where you walk up the linear ziggurat, though. 3-5 - K12 x

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