Title: The Gate
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/thegate.zip
Size: 343.47 KB
Date: 09/21/96
Author: "Die Sieben Maechtigen" [7M]: Philipp HAAG ( der RUSSE ) Mark Rossi ( CosmoCop ) both from Germany
Description: THIS WAD IS FOR DooM This wad has been created only for CoOp-playing with at least 3 players, but feel free to try it otherwise. This PWAD was designed with the original DooMstory in mind: As calm is around you, you decide to get away. But what's this...your troopships engine won't do so. After two hours of sudorific troubleshooting it is clear: the only way to get out is get trough. And you remember: You heard some of your bodies talking of a big gate they've seen in there. Some scientists thought this to be a dimensional gate. Your decision is clear: you have to get to and through it and show the bad guys that none has the ability to fear you. As you fight your way you notice heavy combat-noise out of the two rooms in front of you... After a short time of intently waiting two fellows of you appear... ' Now, your chances will surely be better '; you thought and one of the guys pressed the button beneath you... ...What the hell...no, not this.............. ....oh NOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!.............
Credits: the great guys of ID; MARK: my fellows (especially Hendrik [ the best testplayer ever...he stumbles into every trap my sick mind emerged and the dogged fraghunter I know ...stuffed his rocket- launcher into my ass and pulled the trigger...he's sooo sick..] and P.H. who always showed me the frontier a doomer can reach) ;MATT T. who created this great DoomCad

P.H.: Mark of course, who was never satisfied with any sector I made; to Hendrik, who fills our deathmatch levels with his blood, giving us the opportunity to increase our knowledge of ways a doomer can die in deathmatch-mode. A special credit to our history/politics-teacher who always managed it to bring us in the right mood to create the hardest levels you can guess.
Base: New level from scratch. Based on an outline designed meanwhile several boooooring hours in school (history and stuff)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomCad 4.3 and its nodebuilder (until we reached 200kB). Sorry Matt, but we had to use BSP 1.2x now, which did the same job for us a little better. (Also the time DoomCad needed for changing the mode, got longer and longer the bigger the level grew). And DMAUD 1.1 REJECT 1.0.0
Bugs: None, indeed. (as I said it before...three weeks) ** But do not -I say it again- do not try to ** ** make a savegame if you only own less than ** ** 8megs of RAM, this would -sometimes - ** ** cause DooM to hang on. ** ** Even with 8megs, don't be scattered... ** Due to its size this "bug" was unevitable, sorry dudes, just regard it positively: It makes DooM a bit more realistic (if one of your budies lost his head, he has to begin the level again, and he should try to make it through a little faster 'cause the remaining ones WILL have problems - always remember: this level has been designed for at least THREE ADVANCED PLAYERS)

One real bug: I was reported that this level is more easier to play in single player mode than in CoOp. Playtester Hendrik "Analog" Rossi found that out. The reason is that we forgot to declare most of the ammo as "multiplayer-only". So when you think this level is to easy, play it in 4 player CoOp...
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You could write a history of Doom co-op levels; initially no-one bothered to make them, and then people rebelled against that attitude, and declared that co-op was way cooler than deathmatch, and nowadays no-one makes them for Doom, but we have Battlefield 2 instead. The level is impressively big, with 400-odd monsters, and there's one good arena, but it's far too mazey and padded, and the monsters tend not to activate until you shoot them.x

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