Title: The Maze
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/themaze.zip
Size: 34.02 KB
Date: 05/23/95
Author: ANTHRaX
Description: A maze-like doom level
Credits: None
Base: Scratch
Build time: 6-10 hours (I'm slow
Editor(s) used: Doomcad (fix that damn preview window, both versions)
Bugs: None

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Rating: (3 votes)
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It's pretty maze-like. I was kinda disappointed that it actually wasn't a maze. I don't know what the other person had issues with but the automap provided the color coded doors and the only thing that took time was really traversing long corridors. There's also an ass ton of doors. Map design was bleh but what would you expect out of a maze from 1995? E2M1 5/30/16x
It's not maze-like; it *is* a maze. A mess of small rooms and corridors. The gameplay consists of opening doors. Some of the doors require keys, but they aren't marked and so you have to try every door, and there are lots. It's not fun at all. I stumbled on the exit switch entirely by accident. The author must have set out to include every textures on every surface, and in that respect he was successful.x

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