Title: TOWER53.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/tower53.zip
Size: 28.31 KB
Date: 10/23/05
Author: Astro
Description: This is my first attempt at a Doom level. It's currently beta version .53, and not setup for deathmatch or multi player. It's got one trap which requires restarting and one which kills you no matter what... So lemme know what you think...
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (4 votes)
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Huge beyond sense, very ugly and alternately confusing and boring. I guess I ran into one of the 'traps' mentioned by the author because I gave up trying to complete it. Items are scattered like confetti. Telefrag a cyberdemon - what larks! Oh, and there are two spider masterminds, but hang on, one just died for no reason and the other teleported onto a pillar. Confusing nonsense.x
amazing vintage map for doom1 x
This is dated June 1994. It's mostly okay-ish. The design and texturing etc are just slightly better than the stereotypical random polygonal nonsense that was common at the time, and there is a certain amount of gameplay. It's ruined by a trap mentioned in the readme, a maze that has no exit; you fight some monsters, explore the maze, and then realise that you have to start again. Without that, it would be almost so-so.x
Like an intense high. Fairly recommended. 3/5 -Lutrov71x

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