Title: Twilight Version 1.0
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/twilight.zip
Size: 30.72 KB
Date: 01/07/97
Author: Nick Gawel (Don't ask how it's pronounced) AKA "Meat-Grinder"
Description: This WAD was created with the basic idea of E4M1 from Ultimate DOOM v.1.9 in mind, but is not meant in any way to look too much like it. It doesn't. This level is pretty hard, but playable. If you're not a pro then I ****STRONGLY**** suggest you start on Skill 1.
Credits: Nobody.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK (Thanx to Bob Morris for such a *GREAT* editor)
Bugs: None!!! (I tested and adjusted until all were gone)
Rating: (1 vote)
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Fair-to-decent, but nowhere near as hard as a real E4 level and dogged by an odd design (there are lots of weapons and a health sphere right at the very end, after you've killed everything. I assume the author meant for you to carry on playing E4 as if his level was a replacement for E4M1, but it's not). I played the level whilst listening to Isaac Hayes' "Ike's Mood", which is better than the level.x

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