Title: UAC Head Quarters Copyright, Gordon Mulcaster, 1994
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/uac-hq.zip
Size: 155.62 KB
Date: 10/28/94
Author: Gordon Mulcaster
Description: You must infiltrate UAC-HQ, and find the main computer center to get the access codes for a shuttle so that you can get off Earth. (See the full story in UAC-HQ.TXT) (Also see the play notes in UAC-HQ.TXT)
Credits: JD, Dave and Vic for play testing. Raphael Quinet (quinet@montefiore.ulg.ac.be) Brendon J. Wyber (b.wyber@csc.canterbury.ac.nz) Per Allansson (c91peral@und.inda.liu.se) Per Kefod (per@ollie.dnk.hp.com) for writing and distributing DUE (gcc) Colin Reed for writing and distributing BSP Jens Hykkelbjerg (hykkelbj@daimi.aau.dk) for writing and distributing Reject Map Builder (RMB) Randall R. Spangler (rspangle@micro.caltech.edu) for writing and distributing WADWHAT id Software for releasing Doom, and allowing user created levels.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.23 (until it broke) DEU 5.21 (until it broke) DEU 5.21gcc

BSP 1.2x RMB 1.2
Bugs: The level is too big to save using 1.1 or 1.2 Some sounds may leak into other areas. (I think IDBSP fixes this, but it breaks other stuff...) There are HOMs using 1.2 or 1.1 There is still lots of work to do on the textures
Rating: (2 votes)
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Found the red key (opens "alpha" doors). Couldn't find any other keys. Had to cheat (IDBEHOLDR) to explore underground nukage hallway maze without dying. Gave up after exploring all the little square rooms and not wanting to go through them a second time.x
If my name was Gordon Mulcaster I would keep quiet about it. This is one of those early maps that tries to model a realistic location, in this case a big HQ building with a truck outside it. It's less atmospheric than the old UAC_DEAD, in fact it's very bland, with lots of pokey dark offices that might have been clever design in 1994 but aren't fun to play in. I couldn't find the blue key and decided that life was too short to continue looking.x

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