Title: Uplift
Filename: levels/doom/s-u/uplift.zip
Size: 125.39 KB
Date: 05/21/14
Author: Gwenvael Le Bihan (subject_119)
Description: A small and easy map for Ultimate Doom, better to play it on U-V
Credits: The French Doom Community and various people for feedbacks!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 months with 2 months doing nothing at all
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: None.
Rating: (15 votes)
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Open-space layout and high connectivity leads to players getting lost, as was the case for me. I couldn't figure out how to lower the red key card, even though all monsters but the last one were dead. This is a great level, but somehow feels more suited for a deathmatch for many players.x
cs99cjb: you might wanna rush towards the green armor, it feels like the turning point where you take control to me. I liked the map! I saw some places where repeated step textures would cause problems in doom.exe and in general felt that I'd already pacified the level before seeing a key, but I appreciated the way the texture variety compensated for the simple, plausible architecture and I just generally like mowing down zombies, so thumbs up!x
This is easy? I played about 5 attempts on UV skill level and every time was overwhelmed by the sheer number of low level monsters. Sergeants can teleport in and kill you straightaway, or by sniping from high places.x
a good map, definitely worth a gox
Unexpectedly nice 10-minutes map in E1 style. Map layout is good, although sometimes a bit cramped. Architecture is consistent, texture use works well, ambiance is fine. Holds only weak monsters and only the shotgun; despite this, gameplay @ UV mostly works remarkably well. Overall: 3.5/5 + 0.5 because of author's age = 4/5. Please continue mapping, you show talent :thumbs_up:x
Beautiful... dreaming for a megawad :-)x
Cool story brox

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