Title: warbaby.wad
Filename: levels/doom/v-z/warbaby.zip
Size: 176.78 KB
Date: 03/31/11
Author: Warbaby aka Ben Morris
Description: Doom1 .wad
Credits: DCK, JDT, Professor Doom
Base: New episode from scratch
Build time: @15 hours
Editor(s) used: DCK beta & v1.0, BSP
Bugs: none
Rating: (6 votes)
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The first two levels were included in HEROES.WAD as E1M5 and E2M3. This is an amazing 1994 levelset from the author of DCK. The levels invoke a strong E2 theme and have great detail and gameplay for mid-'94, especially the second level. E2M3 is kind of disappointing, so I'm guessing it was Morris' first map. This is probably Perseus' only worthwhile re-upload, since only ASSMUNCH.WAD was on the archive. 4/5x
Includes the wrong text file. Other than that: E2M1 is actually VERY good for a 1994 WAD. E2M2 is still quite good, and E2M3 is solid for a 1994 WAD, but has its warts that show its age. I recommend playing the first level, and perhaps the second. All in all, considering its age, 4/5. - ZZx
I actually had fun with this three level oldschool compilation. 4/5 - Optimusx
1994 shit...just shit...E2M1 and E2M2 are OK and I have fun with them but not E2M3... 2.5/5 -playerlinx
You need to scroll down to find the relevant part of the text-file. Sadly, that means the information parsed and viewable above is for a different wad. warbaby is a 3-level wad: e2m1, e2m2 and e2m3. Not bad maps, but it doesn't look like they were designed to be designed to be played each from pistol starts.x
attached file called warbaby, rather than rookie. And in this file there are no new levels. IMHO, a text help file just confused? x

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