Title: Warehouse
Filename: levels/doom/v-z/whouse.zip
Size: 179.92 KB
Date: 05/25/01
Author: Pablo Dictter
Description: During the invasion on Phobos, you're platton was attacked by an unknown force. You woke up, and know you need to find where the hell you are. This was is small. I recommed to use MBF or BOOM. This wad won the Doom Wad Station contest (the original doom part). http://www.newdoom.com/doom_wad_station
Base: New from scrath
Build time: 2 days.
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: no what i know of...
Rating: (8 votes)
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Not a bad little level. Starting with only a pistol or a risky shotgun grab to kill the Barron may make this a tough start for some - I enjoy in-fighting, so it fairly easy even on UV -fast. Didn't really take much notice of architecture, but I did feel OK. My only complaint is it was too short. 4/5x
The name sounds ominous - shades of "Castle" or "Sewer" or "Maze" - but it's not bad. It's a small, fun level that doesn't look much like a warehouse at all, more like a techbase / dungeon. It's not 1024 small, but still small; you follow a fairly linear path, and the big boss fights are at the beginning and the middle rather than the end, but it's entertaining (for a short while).x
Highly Detailed and Originality, although I didn't like the texture scheme that much.x
a nice little level but too small. otherwise, its a fun one.x

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