Title: Wizard's Rage III, The Castle of Hell. (optimized version of WIZDOOM3.WAD)
Filename: levels/doom/v-z/wizdm3_5.zip
Size: 108.19 KB
Date: 02/03/06
Author: Anthony "Wizard" Marino ( Ernest Anthony Marino ) and Kim "SmartAssets" Roser
Description: The forces of the dark side have invited you to play in their master's castle. Be very careful, and most of all, watch your back. Not everything you see will be what it seems.

This is the OPTIMIZED version of WIZDOOM3.WAD, it has been optimized for faster play by reducing graphic slow-down. Many thanks to REJECT DATA TABLE BUILDER v1.1.0 (c) 1994 by L.W. WITEK for making this possible.
Credits: id software for making such a great game, DEU, and BSP
Base: This is the OPTIMIZED version of WIZDOOM3.WAD, it has been optimized for faster play by reducing graphic slow-down.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU v5.2 and BSP Nodes Builder v1.2
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)
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This is an old level from November 1994. It is E2M2. It is a tedious square castle level with a moat and some battlements, a style that was popular at the time (Doomworld is full of levels with "castle" or "fortress" in the name). Like all the others this is symmetrical and monotonous. If you stand in the right place at the beginning of the level you can finish it in about twenty seconds.x
The map is all built on 90-degree angles and has a definite old-school .wad feeling, but in that context it's not bad. If you like vintage wads, give it a shot, if you only like more intricate level design you will want to avoid this.x
Fait a UV en 1 vie en 15:39 à 99%kills - 3/5 - Eye'sx

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