Title: Hell Harbour
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/0hharbr.zip
Size: 99.01 KB
Date: 08/22/02
Author: Sphagne
Description: In a deadly harbour in the middle of blood ocean. This is my 6th level, a very hard one, don`t be maddened! No news has come from your scout spaceship sent to this new world, so in the brief moment of finding a connection between the base and the ship, you were teleported there to investigate. You are to remain alive and activate some switch which makes more connections possible, if possible!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Tweaked DEU 5.2 , BSP 1.2x
Bugs: Jumping is cheating, you know!
Rating: (17 votes)
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