Title: Guirilla Warfare II: Starbase 7
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/2fiffy2.zip
Size: 245.03 KB
Date: 11/10/97
Author: George Fiffy
Description: The start of your mission to save the known universe, as well as Nick's friend Ernie, is officially underway!

You've headed up to the ship and a door opens up. You enter the ship to do some survalence, when suddenly, you hear the only way out of the ship closing behind you. You try to budge the door open, but even with your muscular build, can't get it open. You decide to walk your way through the ship to find another way out, but what you don't know is that you've got a long road ahead of you, and you're not going along solo!
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: (1) The (possibly) bad demo. It's either my P-60 refusing to work with it, or it's really fouled up (you know what word I really wanted to use). As stated near the beginning, run the perfectly good LMP file.

(2) Most textures lined up! WHAT HAPPENED? :) I guess Mark Wolfy would be so proud. It's still not perfect in spots.

(3) For once, and entire set of REoL TOUGH levels with all closed sectors, so no editors should find any problems (if WADMASTER tells you parts of the level are screwed up, ignore it. It's tested and works beautifully)!
Rating: (4 votes)
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