Title: Double Reject
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/2xreject.zip
Size: 214.75 KB
Date: 11/18/19
Description: A couple of ill-fated vanilla Doom II maps that I designed for community projects in 2018-2019 but that failed to make it into a megawad release. Rather than leave them to crumble to digital dust, I've fixed them up to release on their own, mostly in the form of making them work in stock Doom 2 without the resource packs of their respective projects, but MAP02 also got a little extra polish since it wasn't entirely finished when it got canned. Aside from their similar origin stories, the maps are unconnected and can be tackled individually, but I placed the larger/harder map second if you want to attempt continuous play.

These are unapologetically designed towards a "Doom as Doom was in the 90s" ideal and should work flawlessly under vanilla conditions to the best of my knowledge. If you're looking for hyper-tight slaughtermaps made for and by speedrunners, or high-concept "Doom as art" projects, keep looking, you won't find that here. If you want more oldschool-style Dooming, then maybe it's worth giving these a try.

MAP01: Blood Forest Originally designed for the Infernew project, which seems to have become vaporware. A demented wilderness of meat, blood and lava with some techno-occult buildings in tribute to Sandy Petersen's visions of Doom-hell. No specific level it's trying to imitate but you can probably trace influences to Hell Keep, Slough of Despair and Mt. Erebus in particular. The skull dome room is also a bit of a nod to Greytale's DARKHELL.WAD. MIDI: "Lure" by LewkForce

MAP02: Top Secret Research Facility Originally designed for the Akeldama project, from which it was rejected. A remote mountain fortress converted into a laboratory complex for conducting illegal demon research. It's a bit on the large side, with a lot of connection opening up between areas as you progress. There are some neat tricks and traps too. It originally had snow outside, but that changed when I switched it over to the stock Doom II textures. If anything, looks better now, go figure. MIDI: "Nest of Vipers" by LewkForce
Credits: Cage / id Software / Raven Software - Made that nice Doom 2/Hexen fire sky mix. LewkForce - Composed MIDI tracks and provided them for free use in WADs. Bonnie / valkiriforce - Arranged the community projects; even if these maps didn't make release, they wouldn't have existed at all otherwise.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Something like a month or two each.
Editor(s) used: Eureka, GZDoom Builder, SLADE
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