Title: 34.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/34.zip
Size: 11.06 KB
Date: 08/29/99
Author: Mudball and Lunch
Description: Ashwall-themed level, containing an arena inside!
Credits: Matt Tagliaferri, who made DoomCAD
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Basically overnight, and then some revision later.
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 6.1
Bugs: Nope.
Rating: (7 votes)
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Bad King John
Playable, but unexciting and with massive errors. Boring cuboid rooms of Ashwall and Startan and one wall four-and-a-quarter Bigdoors wide and three-quarters of one high (they forgot to make it openable). Most doors are texture-cropped. I was stuck for a time not realising you could just walk through the "railings" of the vaunted "arena inside" Twin Exit switches because the wall is twice as wide as the switch texture. What rubbish.x
Yeah, It was very boreing, The doors looked very out of place.... You may call it nit picking but I call it shit picking...... 1/5x
Very simple layout..ok for killing timex
It's enough to say "containing an arena". It's redundant to add "inside". This wad is redundant too, unless it is a very very deadpan and droll mockery of 1994-era wads. It's a bunch of mostly square rooms, awful textures, mistakes, half-sized doors, no gameplay, awful. There's a hung-up sergeant in the very first room. The "arena" is ringed with a square of lights that were pasted in manually and are ragged. It's awful.x
lame, especially for post 96 wad....x

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