Title: Four Rooms
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/4rooms.zip
Size: 4.08 MB
Date: 09/24/23
Author: Grizzly Old B
Description: A small retro-feeling, oldschooly techbase map (basically four rooms, hence the title), using vanilla textures only, except for the sky. Lots of secrets to discover! (Please let me know if you found them all without cheating.)

An earlier version of this map is part of the RAMP 2023 community project. For this standalone release, I fixed some issues which became apparent during playthroughs by various people, added some more details, and spiced up the difficulty a bit.

No jumping/croughing. Freelook allowed/encouraged.
Credits: Music track "Time Consuming" by Grizzly Old B and Growmatic Beats. Sky based on a photo from Juergen Fastje. Thanks a lot to the RAMP 2023 community for playtesting the RAMP version and providing valuable feedback! Special thanks to JediMB for help with scripting the crusher room!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: I have no idea
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE
Bugs: Creation of ghost monsters can easily happen at one point. If you don't want to deal with them, in GZDoom please set Compatibility Options -> Actor Behavior -> Crushed monsters get resurrected as ghosts to No.
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