Title: Sudden Death
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/6fiffy5.zip
Size: 607.16 KB
Date: 05/23/00
Author: George Fiffy
Description: Another UAC base has been invaded by the demonic beasts from Hell! This time, it's a Nuclear Power Facility, sprawling in size, which is about to be sabotaged to ruin other bases!

Stop the demons before they can get their hands on the nucular waste before they take it and contaminate every base on the mountain!

You won't get there in time to save them all, but hopefully you will save many of them, or just a few, or just...SOMETHING!
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: * One monster was stuck in the walls. Was found to be useless, so it's now gone.

* Saving your game must be done twice in the same slot, or you risk losing your hard-earned progress.
Rating: (3 votes)
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liked - I play fiffy maps with iddt because of his random unintuitive hidden secrets.x
Not brown!x
This is good fun, although it seems very old-fashioned. It's an ancestor of those modern-day levels that are enormous and very hard, and take ages to finish; this has about 500 mostly weak monsters (shotgun people, chaingunners, imps) that come at you in clumps. It's a big map but squarish, with crude detailing and a couple of nice-looking "tunnels". I finished it on my first go in UV; it's not tricky, but there's lots and lots of shooting. Fun but monotonous.x

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