Title: 7 Sins
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/0-9/7sins.zip
Size: 549.75 KB
Date: 07/12/16
Author: Kristian "Sajbear" Nilsen
Description: You have just teleported into hell. This level of hell is dedicated to the seven deadly sins of man.

Enjoy your stay and don't burn your fingers!
Credits: Jakke
Base: New level from scratch
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Rating: (13 votes)
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its pretty solid map actually...huge in terms of scale and battles there around 700 baddies on uv yet not a spamming slaughter map...lots of simple ideas ...layout/design along fights not very generic and too many pointless secrets were the only cons here... x
Liked it a lot :) Played it vanilla on UV, but noticed that there was too less ammo to finish it without using chainsaw or fists... died 2 times, because I was out of ammo. Still finished it after the 3rd try.x
Plays in Zandronum 3.0 just fine. All in all, this is an average map. It's okay in gameplay, it also offers some non-linearity (even though you need to go down all the paths), but it's still pretty much straight-forward. Visuals are sufficient but basic and true to the original Doom 2. Could've been better, could've been worse.x
The map is *not* playable with -complevel 2 behaviour. Linedef 2150 has an invalid tag. There may be other such problems, but this one is enough to shatter the map, and its a line you're very probably going to run over.x

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