Title: AEODLite
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/aeodlite.zip
Size: 49.46 MB
Date: 08/09/13
Author: lihanchi
Description: Yet another AEODish mod, created from scratch, based on my tartarus 3 replacers, many original stuff. Features: -Over 40 new weapons, 140 new monsters, all well tested and balanced. -Monsters are faster and smarter, more unpredictable, many of them they also move like players(with acceleration). -Randomized enemy health. -Custom gore that based on other's work, very messy. -Hires sound fx and brightmaps included. -Gain gift points and trade them for random stuff. -Doom builder ready, all stuff are categorized.

Please see readme for bestiary and credits.
Credits: .
Base: d on my tartarus 3 replacers, many original stuff. Features: -Over 40 new weapons, 140 new monsters, all well tested and balanced. -Monsters are faster and smarter, more unpredictable, many of them they also move like players(with acceleration). -Randomized enemy health. -Custom gore that based on other's work, very messy. -Hires sound fx and brightmaps included. -Gain gift points and trade them for random stuff. -Doom builder ready, all stuff are categorized.

Please see readme for bestiary and credits.
Build time: 1 month
Editor(s) used: Slade3 Photoshop 3dsmax(freshly built model for render the titlepic)
Bugs: Some time monsters get stucked by running into a wall. Saved games may become corrupted.
Rating: (5 votes)
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It may be a "lite" version but it's still AEOD and it still sucks.x
Okay, but why isn't this in the combos directory?x
5/5 fun wad very goodx

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