Title: Ubi Amnis Est
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/amnisest.zip
Size: 82.47 KB
Date: 11/26/14
Author: Obsidian
Description: One limit removing speedmap made for Phobus for his birthday. Hope you had a good one mate. :)
Credits: Id Software for Doom II CodeImp of Doom Builder 2 SirJuddington for SLADE3 Exl for WhackEd4
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About one day
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, SLADE3, WhackEd4
Bugs: None
Rating: (9 votes)
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If it were a bit longer it would deserve a 3 stars as "your oldschool, average map". There isn't enough gameplay.x
This is Great single-map EnclaveOfObsidian and it will be greater if it is megawad.x
Great architecture and gameplay for the most part, but I ran out of ammo at the end to kill the pain elementals and had to run straight for the exit. 4/5x
This is rather random. Ammo is very low so I had to punch good half of the enemies. Rather bad idea with waterfalls. I wonder what was the time-limit.x
Nice little Birthday map you made for phobus, its a little tight on ammo but I managed to beat it by punching the arachnotron to death. 4/5x

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