Title: Mount Andrus
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/andrus.zip
Size: 701.85 KB
Date: 07/22/22
Author: Pokemanic33
Description: Had some good ideas and a DeHackEd enemy I liked, so I put all of it into a few maps. Could probably be much improved but I enjoyed making it. I suppose it could be looked at as a proof of concept - a bunch of salvageable ideas hampered by my lack of experience.

STORY: You're stationed at the foot of the rocky Mt. Andrus. Your research leads to the discovery of a demon fortress. You can't see how big it is, but they seem pissed to have been discovered. On the way back from a research trip you get jumped; you make it out, but your colleague is not so lucky. To make things worse, he had the key to the front door and they took it and ran! You need to get that back, and maybe get some good old-fashioned vengeance while you're at it. Hopefully the demons don't take advantage of your absence...
Credits: - id Software: (besides the obvious) some alpha/beta/Doom 1 textures - freemidi.org (I don't know the specific authors, sorry): the you-know-who MIDIs - Xim: Rocket marine sprites used as a base - Doomkid and MtPain27: for inspiring me to take mapping more seriously, and specifically to the former for getting me to finally ditch ZDoom format
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Longer than it should have been
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder; SLADE3; paint.net
Bugs: - The MIDIs are mostly unedited from how I found them so they may have looping or volume issues - whether or not this is excusable by my total lack of knowledge of the format is up to you.
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