Title: Azrael's second level
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/azrael2.zip
Size: 218.83 KB
Date: 10/05/14
Author: Zbigniew Pietrzyk
Description: Acutally this is my second map, as the first one has been never released, becuasue I've lost it and, well, it was made in 1996 by means of DEU 2.0. Besides, as you can allegedly imagine, it was quite rudimentary - I was 14 years old then. So why would I return to editing Doom levels ? Primarily I've come back to playing Doom due to the Brutal Doom engine, which is truly magnificent (putting all the gore aside). Basically I've never played such a wonderful and action-packed mod before. EVER. Then I figured out, that I could make an attempt at creating a brand new level with a, comparing to DEU, comprehensive tool - Doom Builder. It was just a matter of being reminded of the 20th DOOM 2 anniversary and reading "Masters of Doom" and being inspired by John Romero in particular. Afterwards you can see the whole picture - inspiration for creativity galore. So all my credits and warmest thanks go to John Romero and I would like to dedicate this level to him. Otherwise this level would never have been created.
Credits: Apart from John Romero, SGT_Mark_IV for creating Brutal DOOM and the authors of Doom Builder + slumped
Base: New from scratch
Build time: It's hard to tell, beause I would drop and come back to this project occasionally (real life).
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder + slumped
Bugs: None known
Rating: (7 votes)
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Straight forward level with basic visuals. Gameplay is on an okay level. Not bad, but nothing beyond that. Good job, nevertheless.x
Good for a first map, some minor issues with texture alignment and a door not working after being used once and some other bugs like monsters caught, all this could be removed with a keener eye on testing. I was amazed you could cram so many things to kill into such a short map, I had fun with it overall, nice work, hope you make more. I'd say 3.5 but I'll round it up to 4.x
This feels like an really nice 1995 map. It plays excellently without Brutal Doom, too. I would say don't change your style, since I personally love 90's-style maps, but that would be selfish. Work on your texturing and detail, and maybe widen a few halls here and there - The layout is fine as it is though, this is a good map.x

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