Title: The Base Madness
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/basemadness.zip
Size: 9.06 MB
Date: 03/12/20
Author: mi$tik
Description: My very first map. It's small but I hope you will like it! Music written by myself:D

You are a special agent. Your superiors sent you to check the incoming signal for help from the secret base. No one knew exactly which case the signal came from. When you arrive at the base, you immediately head to the main building. Approaching it, you hear shots and strange sounds. When you get into the main building you understand that the signal was coming from there.
Credits: id software for the never ending Game: DOOM
Base: . No one knew exactly which case the signal came from. When you arrive at the base, you immediately head to the main building. Approaching it, you hear shots and strange sounds. When you get into the main building you understand that the signal was coming from there.
Build time: Couple of weeks
Editor(s) used: GZDoombuilder, SLADE
Bugs: None that i know
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