Title: Black Fortress X
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/blkfortx.zip
Size: 251.69 KB
Date: 01/02/04
Author: Christopher Emirzian (Udderdude)
Description: The Black Fortress looms in the distance. Can you infiltrate it and slaugher the hellspawn within?

This is a new version with many changes in monster type and placement, and you get the SSG much sooner.

The map plays alot faster, as you can mow down many hordes of enemies with the SSG.

Credits: id Software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About a week
Editor(s) used: ZETH, NWT, Wintex, ZDBSP
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)
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Fairly challenging, but ultimately fun, and that's what matters.x
This is dated December 2003. In answer to the question posted in the readme, yes, I can infiltrate etc and slaughter etc. You fight - slaughter - 500+ baddies in a simple castle and its associated dungeons. It's good fun, basically a lot of up-close bang-bang with the double shotgun in tight quarters. Modest but clever design that divides the level into a series of mini-zones. Perfect ammo and health balance, basically id=12334 done right.x

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