Title: Bludgeonator II: Ultra Bleeder
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bloody2.zip
Size: 643.62 KB
Date: 03/09/22
Author: Clippy Clippington
Description: Bludgeonator II: Ultra Bleeder is the long awaited sequel that brings double the pain, double the blood and almost 8 times the monsters - get your raincoat on cause you are in the spalshzone of this ridiculous slaughter map - so much blood so little time - prepare to get DRENCHED etc
Credits: The wonderful ppl of Doomworld for putting up with me
Base: all new stuff
Build time: hmmm not long a week or sometrhin
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: so much blood but is there ever enough blood tho
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