Title: MyFirstUpload
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/bnfc.zip
Size: 504.64 KB
Date: 01/14/17
Author: Bonfac
Description: Welcome to the moon, you know what to do
Credits: Thx for textures NiGHTMARE, Pinder2; Thx to Matt Groening for Nelson; Also, credits to Skulltag (Used some textures)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Week
Editor(s) used: Gzdoombuilder, slade
Bugs: None, i think
Rating: (9 votes)
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Layouting could be improved to not have the fights so straight-forward, but the level is good in general. Detailed visuals, no serious technical errors (there are some misalignments), good weapon and difficulty progression. There are many maps better than this one, but this one leaves bright hope for some fun "MyNextUploads".x
claustrophobic map, doesn't even feel like we're on the moonx

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