Title: Catastrophe
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/cata.zip
Size: 773.88 KB
Date: 11/09/02
Author: Magikal
Description: Your mission has been a 'Catastrophe'. Your're trapped at the centre of a Hellish place, the only way out is along the banks of Acheron. Find the exit to the bloody tributary of Acheron.
Credits: Rich Sham for testing.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 months on and off
Editor(s) used: DeepSea v11.65
Bugs: Some possibility of corpses rising on 3d bridges A couple of 3d effects only work with Legacy, however it's still completable with Boom or ZDoom
Rating: (9 votes)
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R.I.P. Magikal!!! Ambitious work as always x
WTF was the point of that. Too many enemies and not enough fun. Shite.x
This is one of those manly maps that puts you up against a load of baddies (660+). To be honest, it's basically unplayable on Ultraviolence, unless you play it over and over again and develop a pattern. On the lowest skill level it's better, but for all the fancy bridges etc it still feels like a tedious slog. The design is blocky and crude, although the hell cavern is very impressive (shame it's so brightly-lit). More fun to IDCLIP through than play.x
Hell no, this would take way to long to win on UV. 3/12/07x
Pretty decent, but it's the FUCKING HARDEST map I have ever seen (harder than HR's Post Mortem, there is no shelter in that area) I liked the map, the maze was scary (after cheating on the impossible). If anyone can beat this on UV with no cheats, submit a demo) No cheats means no codes, no weapon mods, no changing the layout of the map, no erasing, changing, or adding monsters, items, or whatever) etc. x
Great looking and fun, though that red hellish area with all the spikes and the huge bridge caused slowdowns on even my computer.x
Whoa this is one tough mutha but it looks great.x

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