Title: ccpstein
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/ccpsteinig.zip
Size: 11.81 MB
Date: 11/27/21
Author: goldsteed
Description: this is a remake of the wolfenstein levels for doom 2 that replaces the wolfenstein nazis with pla chinese soldiers, there are 2 versions included in the zip file hell themed: the starting and ending areas for both maps as well as text is better fit with vanilla doom 2 war themed: the starting and ending areas for both maps as well as text is better fit with a military/war theme, perfect for people playing the mod with human/robot themed monster mods
Credits: id software, looking glass studios, ion storm, raven software, Eurocom, Traveller's Tales, google images ,id software ,JAM Productions , Phantombeta/Ourobouros, 3d realms, Rogue Entertainment, lizardcommando, Lee Jackson, Nathan Lineback, bethesda software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: roughly a year (june 2020 - july 4th 2021)
Editor(s) used: slade3, ultimate doom builder, paint.net, audacity
Bugs: none that I could find
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