Title: Cheeky Base
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/cheekybase.zip
Size: 76.58 KB
Date: 03/08/22
Author: Clippy Clippington
Description: So after talking to Biodegradable about what map I should make he really wanted to see me make a Tech Base. Spontaneously and with 2 hours only I made this itty bitty silly extra cheeky murdery micro base - I had no plan and made every bit of it in the 2 hours and tho I'm no speedmapper I am happy with this. Good times
Credits: Biodegradable, NilsQ & Sector Slayer gave this a whirl at the time I am typing this how ya doing you guys r cool
Base: . Spontaneously and with 2 hours only I made this itty bitty silly extra cheeky murdery micro base - I had no plan and made every bit of it in the 2 hours and tho I'm no speedmapper I am happy with this. Good times
Build time: 2 hours!!!
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: lack of pizza and ground nipples
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