Title: CMPHM
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/cmphm.zip
Size: 13.31 MB
Date: 07/18/17
Author: Jyrki
Description: This is our life. The VOITTO-group's life. A story about Winners, Markkus, Boulders, and other entities. It is meant to be as turbo as possible. You are a member of VOITTO. The DEWs safety is compromised by increased amount of Boulders. It is your duty to find the DEW and bring it safely back to Basket and end the terror of Boulders once and for all.
Credits: Arse - sprites & audio Dille - sprites & audio Beta testing: Arse, Dille, Dr. Koira, Narski, Kebabbqriel, Ismo, Pekonipitsa
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Few years. Maybe something like 500 hours total.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, GZDoom Builder, Slade3, XWE
Bugs: No known bugs.
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