Title: Wild Weasel's got a gift in his stocking
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/ct-wwtrb.zip
Size: 1.76 MB
Date: 09/16/05
Author: Chronoteeth
Description: "On Weapon Mod day, and all through the house, not a modder was sturring, not even a ball mouse. Well, not everyone was asleep. There was a curious modder, his name is WW, who came down the stairs, ever so quietly. He peeked in his stockings, and admist the gun graphics and sounds, lies a package with the words "from CT to WW". Wild Weasel said "I wonder what this could be" as he opened the package, ever so quietly. He opened the package, and squield quietly with glee, "A weapon mod for me, how can it be?" He then wrapped it up, put it back, and went to asleep, waiting for tomorrow, so he may play his very own mod"

Weapon mod for Wild Weasle, think of it as a tribute to WW for kicking ass, making DooM Armory, making mods, and chewing bubblegum. Enjoy foos
Credits: WW, Xaser, The dark archon, Corey whittle, xenophon, snarboo, post, Joe_, Fiend, Destroyer, spray, Marty Kirra, liberation, the creators of the monster rescorce wad, and so many more. Damn me and my forgetfullness! If I have forgotten you, state your name in the review please.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About a month for this one
Editor(s) used: XWE, MSpaint, photoshop, paint shop pro, sound recorder, notepad, DW poweramp converter
Bugs: Yeah, there may be some bugs, dunno
Rating: (6 votes)
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I liked it (even if your methods of gathering sprites was a bit questionable :p) -joex
Awesome weapons mod. That rocket launcher thing that spits out rockets everywhere is the coolest fucking gun ever.x

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