Title: Damned City 2 [From Moscow to Agartha]
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dcity2_5.zip
Size: 6.29 MB
Date: 01/18/19
Author: Evgeny "Arch-Vile" Smirnov
Description: In honor of 25th DooM birthday

This is a story of what is to be a Hero! From demon-hunted (because of stupid city major) Moscow suburbs through city metro stations, tunnels and railways - to crooked cosmodrom which demons used to invade Agartha. But only there lies last hope of Humanity: the legacy of Ancestors and Heroes! Find the hidden Temple in the "Hall of Men" and activate the 5th Element!

Glossary: * "Soloha" is the daughter of Stalin * "Kapyra" is the death metal band "Epitaph" gitarist known for felling on a staircase rising the cloud of dust which happened 11th of april 1987 * In the episode there are allusions on favourite films: "Red Heat", "Terminator", "Alien", "5th Element" and Arnold Schwarzeneger was mentioned some times :) *The text on a placard in "Red Heat" health club says: "Arny is angry that You are not keep up this place!" * Sobyanin is the current Moscow major (who deals with demobns)
Credits: Van-Dal for testing
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Slade, SlumpEd
Bugs: Some "missing objects" on GZDoom
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