Title: Demon Trench XL
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/detrenxl.zip
Size: 434.2 KB
Date: 08/11/15
Author: Jaxxoon R
Description: This is a heavily retooled version of the map I submitted to NOVA II all those months ago. It's far more detailed, more streamlined, has more involved combat, new music, and an entirely new section based off of that one scene from House where the dude goes into the mirror and explores the dark spooky void.

The map itself is a rather melancholy trek through a dark, mountainous environment and the many nearby caverns, moving towards a humble water treatment plant. What dark secrets does it all hold oohsuspensesuspense. I also did a weird trick where I placed lamps and torches behind wall lights so it would look like they're glowing in advanced sourceports.

The reason this version wasn't added to NOVA II is because Gobu says he prefers the original. Personally I like this version, so I'm more than happy to keep my preffered rendition all to myself :p
Credits: Tourniquet for the textures he added to NOVA II that I used in this map.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Months on and off
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder
Rating: (7 votes)
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I liked it. The music really helped out with setting the atmosphere of the map. The action was good, hard enough to keep you on your toes. My only complaint was the the exit was a little hard to navigate due to some of the switches being in dark corners. 4/5x
A sort of creepy-level with pure Doom action. Good difficulty balance, good flow. Architecture is adequate in its looks and interesting in its design. I loved it. ~Zalewax
Much better than the NOVA 2 submitted version I played a while ago.x
It has very detail map structures. But I don't like gloomy bgm.x
A rare level with plenty of enemies and many tight spaces that never feels aggravating to play - there is always some form of escape. Do watch out for bizarre progression - the two blue doors lead to two different areas that are not connected, both of which are needed to complete the level, while one of the red doors is completely optional. The exit switches were also confusing. x
Cool atmospheric map with huge squads of monsters. P.S.:BEAUTIFUL MUSIC!!11x

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