Title: The Dime Birthday Level Collection
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dimebday.zip
Size: 1.92 MB
Date: 06/29/15
Author: Various
Description: Twelve levels designed for the 25th birthday of Doom speedrunner Dime! The restrictions given to the designers were:

- Boom compatibility (a.k.a. PrBoom+ -complevel 9) - No green or blue armor - Maximum 75 monsters - In the style of scythe map 22-24 gameplay (texture use is up to [one]self) - Must [have] a BFG, but only a maximum of 200 cells in the map INCLUDING BFG pickup.

All levels were played by Dime on his Twitch channel. He wrote on Doomworld afterward that "From Melbourne streets, to green scythe, to near impossible maps it was all a blast." Said "near impossible map" is included as MAP32 and cannot be reached in normal gameplay; you must warp to that level to play it.
Credits: Pinchy for making the title image and menu cursor; Erik Alm for the Scythe 2 monsters on MAP03; The Green Herring for compiling this WAD
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 hours or so
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (12 votes)
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For a collection of birthday maps, this one is actually good. Some ehh maps (oh look, joe-ilya, the best mapper of all time, graces us with yet another divine creation; and there's also clearly offensive and crass trollmap that is 32), but also some nice and competent ones, given the gameplay-related restrictions. And kudos to Breezeep for competent Valiant ripoff, heh.x
Great WAD. Good looking levels and very challenging gameplay. It's borderline on slaughterfest, but it maintains a fair level and always gives you room to manuever. Well done, everyone.x
Well deserver 5 stars.x
Getsu Fune
better than joebdn.wad. first few maps have really hard ass gameplay but the later maps make it better.x
Thoroughly enjoyed it and would happily play more maps in this vein. Short, sweet, and action-packed with a nice sprinkling of visuals too. Recommended. -TRRobin.x

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