Title: The Shrine (Remastered)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dkshrine_rv2.zip
Size: 6.2 MB
Date: 08/10/19
Author: Dennis Katsonis
Description: Ten levels which take place in a demonically occupied industrial area.

DK Shrine Remastered is an "old school" Doom II WAD, based on levels made in 1994-1995. As a result, it has a layout and gameplay style familiar to people who played levels coming out in that era, but with a fresh and appealing visual style.

People looking for a WAD with more modern gameplay elements and style may be dissapointed, but those who did enjoy the more abstract, iD like levels which were around during DooMs heyday should find something to enjoy.

This WAD is basically my original "The Shrine" WAD with significant cosmetic, design and gameplay changes.
Credits: No one else specifically worked on this WAD with me. Music and textures were taken from elsewhere and credit is given in the "Additional Thanks to" section.
Base: Heavily Modified version of (dkshrine.wad)
Build time: 7 months
Editor(s) used: Eureka, Slade 3
Bugs: None
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