Title: Doom NW
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/doomnw.zip
Size: 3.39 MB
Date: 04/01/18
Author: Brandon Duncan
Description: A seismic event has occurred and you have fallen into a UAC mining facility. Now you must make your way back out alive.
Credits: Crate Textures: Bret Walters | https://vimeo.com/user4779474


Texture/Sound/Music Usage Info:

The crate textures designed by Bret Walters is free for you to use in your own maps as long as you credit him as "Bret Walters | vimeo.com/user4779474"

All the rest of the custom textures, graphics, sound effects and music are free for use as well as long as you attribute credit to "Brandon Duncan | nervewar.net"


Play Testers: Bret Walters Sean McKeon | http://vimeo.com/seanmckeon Brian Simpson | http://www.behance.net/studio120ne Danny Silvers | http://lantanagames.com


Additional Resources from http://realm667.com

Rocks Submitted: Captain Toenail Decorate: Captain Toenail Sprites: Necrodome

Crow Submitted: Mor'ladim Decorate: Mor'ladim Sounds: Mor'ladim, Jojikiba (Caw sound) Sprites: Konami (Contra: Hard Corps) Sprite Edit: Mor'ladim Idea Base: Saw the crow in a sprite sheet and wanted to make a 'prop' out of it.

Cage's Texture Pack Author: Cage Submitted by: Ceeb/Grymmoire

Chair Submitted: Ghastly_dragon Decorate: Ghastly_dragon Sprites: Id Software


Additional Resources from https://www.doomworld.com/afterglow/textures/

Alien vs. Predator 2 Monolith
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~2 months off and on
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade
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