Title: DoomRL Special Levels: A Recursive Adaptation
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/drlspec.zip
Size: 345.71 KB
Date: 10/21/14
Author: Chaosvolt
Description: So there was Doom. And there were roguelikes. Then there was Doom: the Roguelike. And now, the iconic special levels unique to DoomRL have their own adaptations in ye olde Doom 2 (or Final Doom). Each map also has co-op and deathmatch starts, and deathmatch-only items. See below for a summary of each map, and what's been tweaked in the process of adapting them. If a level's gimmick has you stumped, check there.
Credits: Kornel Kisielewicz for making that wonderful roguelike, the maintainers of the always-useful DoomRL and ZDoom wikis, and of course id Software.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 2 weeks of on-and-off work.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade 3.
Bugs: On the off chance that your chosen source port automatically fixes missing texture errors, some clever misuses of missing textures will break.
Rating: (8 votes)
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