Title: Death Summoning (Legacy) - Map01: Complex Entryway
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/ds_map01l.zip
Size: 472.5 KB
Date: 11/24/03
Author: Agent Spork
Description: This is the first map of my current project, Death Summoning. Since I seriously doubt I'll ever actually finish this project, I've decided to release the project map by map, as each map is finished. Map01 is a small tech map. If you notice any problems with this map, feel free to email me at: zimspork@comcast.net . NOTE: This map may be changed by the time the project is completely finished. ZDoom version to come soon...
Credits: Prophet X and Kaiser for testing, and whoever I got the textures from.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Less than a week
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, XWE, Wintex, Zennode, BSP, InkWorks
Bugs: For some reason, Fraggle Script tends to screw up this one door in the map. If a door wont open, keep using it until it does. heh.
Rating: (6 votes)
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"Music yes". Well shit, it's just Map01..x
The switches didn't work for me. Maybe I'm a moron, but screw it.x

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