Title: Diet Vrack AKA Happy Birthday Pavera!
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/dvpavera.zip
Size: 89.55 KB
Date: 04/12/13
Author: Obsidian
Description: A birthday speedmap for Pavera's 22nd birthday. For some reason I modelled it after Vrack, so I decided to name it Diet Vrack. Heh.

Enjoy, and Happy Birthday to Pavera. :)
Credits: Id Software for Doom II CodeImp of Doom Builder 2 SirJuddington for SLADE3 Exl for Whacked2
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 or so hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE3, WhackEd2
Bugs: I jolly well hope not!
Rating: (14 votes)
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DAMN THAT ARCHVILE SO SCARY! :P Nice small short map and enough detailed...the boxes area just a little annoying since it's cramp...but overall the level still nice enough. 4/5 -playerlinx
walter confalonieri
Good short map!x
This is quite detailed, and the music fits with the level, but it's so short... All you do is pick up a blue key, then open some doors, then BAM exit. 3.5/5x
easy cramped space base, takes about 2 minutes to finish. liked the bit with moving floors and an arch-vile.x

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